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Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Thank you for always being there,
To listen and understand me.
I appreciate all you did for me,
And all you still do.

Thank you for making me feel whole again, 
For putting my pieces back together.
I appreciate you putting my life back together,
You saved my life.

You may not understand, 
Why I do what I do.
But you never criticized,
You just helped my through.

I knew I could come to you when I was down, 
'cause I knew you'd always be there
to pick me back up
and say everything will be ok.


"Apologizing does not mean that you are wrong and the other one is right...
It simply means that you value the relationship much more than your


A man and a woman who had never met before, 
but who were both married to other people,
found themselves assigned to the same sleeping compartment on a trans-continental train.
Though initially embarrassed and uneasy over sharing a room, they were both very tired and fell asleep quickly, he in the upper berth and she in  the lower.

At 1:00 AM , the man leaned down and gently woke the woman saying, 'Ma'am,I'm sorry to bother you, but would you be willing to reach into the closet to get me a second blanket? 
I'm awfully cold.'

'I have a better idea,' she replied 'Just for tonight, let's pretend that we're married.'

'Wow! That's a great idea!', he exclaimed.

'Good,' she replied. 'Get your own bloody blanket.'

Honey, why don't you pay?

Who the hell said that men want to spend all the money when they go out on a date? Certainly not men!

Feminism is the most conveniently distorted term on earth. What it often means is what the legendary humourist Ogden Nash wrote once, ‘To keep your marriage brimming / With love in the loving cup/ Whenever you’re wrong, admit it; / Whenever you’re right, shut up’.

In such a badly defined scheme of things — equality means 50-50 being the least followed principle — there comes a time when a man goes out on a date with a girl he likes. After the customary dinner comes a fat bill. The guy gets kill-billed, since he has to shell out the cash or sink deeper into credit’s quagmire. The second date follows a few days later. History repeats itself. The meal gets over. The waiter gets the bill. The woman smiles. The guy pays. He looks at his date and flashes a 32-all-out grin. But, what seems like a high is actually a deep sigh within.

Assumption is the mother of most disasters. So ladies, just in case your boyfriend is spending while you are watching, please don’t assume that the guy is in love with the experience. After all, why should he be? Both of you earn. Both of you have expenses to deal with, like paying hefty mobile bills, petrol bills, house rent, electricity-landline-newspaper-cable-bhajiwallah bills.

Both of you go broke by the middle of the month. So, the idea is to balance the expenses when the two of you go out, leading to a situation in which you continue to go broke at the same time! Once you get married and pool your money, chances are that you will break even. Till that happens — that is, if that does — isn’t it only fair to share the beast of burden, that thing called expense, when you guys are out on a date?

Living in a consumerist society where EMIs for everything right from homes to jeans lead to disguised bankruptcy for most, men enjoy those moments when their girlfriends offer to deal with the aftermath of dining out. So, dear ladies, here is a thought one wants to share with you. If you want that the relationship must stay/Share the number of times each of you pay!

If your guy acts macho — macho, not genuine — and refuses to make you spend, just take out your credit card, look into his eyes, and murmur, “Wanna spend rest of my money with you”...

Rights and Wrongs for a Salesman

Aman Singh was appointed sales person at a local General Dealer's store in Chandhigarh While on one of his shifts, a lady approached him and asked if they had peach jam to which he bluntly replied, "Out of stock." At this, the lady immediately turned to leave the shop in disgruntlement.
It was then that the shopkeeper, who had been looking on, called Aman Singh aside and told him, "When a customer asks for a product that is out of stock, you apologize for its unavailability, and then offer other types of the same product. For instance in this case it was peach jam; offer other types of jam like plum jam, guava jam and so on."
Next, came in another lady who asked for toilet paper and Aman Singh politely replied, "I am sorry ma'am, we do not have any toilet paper right now but you could try may be some sand paper!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


I ask GOD to.... 
make you happy, 
make you smile, 
guide you safely, 
though every mile, 
grant you wealth, 
give you health, 
most of all grant you paradise!!!
Happy Monday 

Saturday, October 9, 2010

What she doesn’t want to hear

Here are some things that you should always avoid telling your girl if you want to have a peaceful relationship

You look a bit fat in that dress
Now which girl would like you telling her that she is looking fat. A statement like this will definitely have you spending the night on the couch.

Your mom looks like she's your younger sister
Yes, girls love their mom, but don't ever do the mistake of comparing them, especially in the looks department. You won't score any brownie points by doing this.

I have the best time with my friends
You may enjoy hanging out with your friends, but that doesn't mean you say that to her on her face. Sometimes it's best to be diplomatic.

I can't go out because I want to watch a match
Unless your girlfriend is a sports buff don't give her this excuse very often.

You remind me of my ex
That's the worst thing you could say to your girlfriend. She will always be left wondering if you got into the relationship only because she is a mirror image of your ex.

My mom is the best cook
Women take great pride in their culinary skills. So don't ever claim that your mom cooks better than any woman in the world. You may just have to put up with burnt food for the rest of the week.

I don't like your friends
Like you love hanging out with your friends, your girlfriend loves her friends. Don't make your dislike for them so obvious. Friends can influence your girl to a great extent, so make sure you are in their good books.

Why do you spend so much on beauty treatments?
Don't question your girlfriend spending long hours in the beauty parlour. If you like to spend time playing football and getting dirty then she'd like to spend her time getting pretty. Accept it!

Wow! That girl is hot
Whether it's Priyanka Chopra or Angelina Jolie or just some random girl on the road, never ogle at a woman openly in front of your girl.

I need some space
If you feel the need for space try and suggest it in a subtle manner. Being far to open about it may leave you with too much space and no gf.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Facing River of Difficulties

A very tired traveler came to the banks of a river.
There was no bridge by which he could cross. It was winter, and the surface of the river was covered with ice. It was getting dark, and he wanted to reach the other side while there was enough light to see. He debated about whether or not the ice would bear his weight.
Finally, after much hesitation and fear, he got down on his knees and began very cautiously to creep across the surface of the ice. He hoped that by disturbing the weight of his body, the ice would be less apt to break under the load.
After he made his slow and painful journey about halfway across the river, he suddenly heard the sound of singing behind him. Out of the dusk, there came a 4-horse load of coal driven by a man singing merrily as he went to his carefree way. Here was the traveler, fearfully inching his way on his hands and knees. And there, as if whisked along by the winter's wind, went the driver, his horses, his sled, and the heavy load of coal over the same river!
The story illustrates how many of us go through life.
Some stand on the bank of decisions unable to make up their minds about the course to take. Others stand on the banks trying to muster enough courage to cross over to the other side of the task or problem encountered.
On the other hand, some individuals crawl and creep through life for fear of thin ice.
Their faith is not strong enough to hold them up. Still there are those who whisked along whistling as they go. Their faith is UNSHAKABLE.
When we face the river of difficulties, we do not have to fear, nor do we creep through life. God has promised to help, and with God's help we can merrily make our way to the other side safely.

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