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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Honey, why don't you pay?

Who the hell said that men want to spend all the money when they go out on a date? Certainly not men!

Feminism is the most conveniently distorted term on earth. What it often means is what the legendary humourist Ogden Nash wrote once, ‘To keep your marriage brimming / With love in the loving cup/ Whenever you’re wrong, admit it; / Whenever you’re right, shut up’.

In such a badly defined scheme of things — equality means 50-50 being the least followed principle — there comes a time when a man goes out on a date with a girl he likes. After the customary dinner comes a fat bill. The guy gets kill-billed, since he has to shell out the cash or sink deeper into credit’s quagmire. The second date follows a few days later. History repeats itself. The meal gets over. The waiter gets the bill. The woman smiles. The guy pays. He looks at his date and flashes a 32-all-out grin. But, what seems like a high is actually a deep sigh within.

Assumption is the mother of most disasters. So ladies, just in case your boyfriend is spending while you are watching, please don’t assume that the guy is in love with the experience. After all, why should he be? Both of you earn. Both of you have expenses to deal with, like paying hefty mobile bills, petrol bills, house rent, electricity-landline-newspaper-cable-bhajiwallah bills.

Both of you go broke by the middle of the month. So, the idea is to balance the expenses when the two of you go out, leading to a situation in which you continue to go broke at the same time! Once you get married and pool your money, chances are that you will break even. Till that happens — that is, if that does — isn’t it only fair to share the beast of burden, that thing called expense, when you guys are out on a date?

Living in a consumerist society where EMIs for everything right from homes to jeans lead to disguised bankruptcy for most, men enjoy those moments when their girlfriends offer to deal with the aftermath of dining out. So, dear ladies, here is a thought one wants to share with you. If you want that the relationship must stay/Share the number of times each of you pay!

If your guy acts macho — macho, not genuine — and refuses to make you spend, just take out your credit card, look into his eyes, and murmur, “Wanna spend rest of my money with you”...

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